Monday, December 31, 2012

Majel Connery, Elliot Cole, Brad & Doug Balliett at The Stone this Saturday

In what promises to be the most packed concert of 2013, I will be singing with Elliot Cole and Brad & Doug Balliet at The Stone this coming Saturday, January 5, 2013. (2013?!?!?? I sometimes still accidentally write 2001 on my checks. Maybe this is because no one has used checks since 2001? I will get to the bottom of this.) The Stone, incidentally, is possibly the smallest new music venue in all of New York City, hence the packed.

We'll be singing a set of Elliot's Grimm's tales, as in, stories from the Brothers Grimm anthology. These songs are drop dead gorgeous. (Case in point, as my mother announced to me yesterday, Elliot Cole is now her favorite composer, and hers is possibly the most sought-after endorsement in new music today.)

The Stone (aka John Zorn's baby)
East Village,
corner of Ave 3/E. Houston
Saturday, January 5